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Грамматический справочник

Grammatical reference book

Grammatical reference book It is impossible to learn Kazakh language as a whole without mastering language grammar after accurate definition of Kazakh language lexicon. Therefore the next structural element of the standard educational and methodical complex is the grammatical reference book. The word grammar is derived from Greek (grammatik), which means art of letters. Grammar is a section of linguistics, which investigates rules of forming correct speech, and grammatical structure of language. Foundation of communicative competences is laid when forming grammatical skills.

In linguistics such types of speech as listening, reading, writing, speaking, lexical and grammatical structure are applied to form language proficiency. The grammatical reference book covers grammatical structure of the language and is intended to form speaking and writing skills to communicate with clarity in different situations according to levels.

The grammatical reference book is intended to form language user’s ability to connect words into phrases making selection of words, applying lexical and grammatical minima correctly in different situations according to levels.

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