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Kazakh language teaching textbook

The textbook, intended for teaching Kazakh language is compiled on the basis of “teaching Kazakh language as a foreign or as a second language” method dividing into five levels. The combination of grammatical material and dictionary fund forms learner’s speaking skills.

In each section of textbooks lexical subjects are presented by the principle “from simple to difficult” that allows building correct statements when expressing opinions and thoughts. Along with it, sequence of acquaintance with new lexicon and doing preparatory tasks preceding the main lexical subject is observed.

In the section of Grammar basic elements of grammar of the Kazakh language and their function in speech activity are considered. These grammatical elements are presented in texts directed on formation of listening abilities with understanding and reading with understanding to solidify the grammatical material.

The section of Listening is aimed at the development of skills of understanding the heard text and performance of tasks by language learner. The material offered in the section of Reading has a wide informative value and is closely connected with the everyday life, interesting facts and attractive form of narration allows language learners to express their opinion and draw certain conclusions. The tasks presented in the sections of Speaking and Writing solidify the grammatical material, new words and phrases acquired during a lesson.

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