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Методическое пособие по обучению казахскому языку в электронном виде для начального уровня владения языком

Methodical edition on learning the Kazakh language in electronic form for beginner levels of language proficiency

Electronic textbook is an effective edition for Kazakh language learners of different age. The main objective of Electronic textbook is explanation of grammar elements of the Kazakh language by means of their use in everyday life. An interactive mode of doing exercises is considered in the textbook, which consists of 93 lessons. The design and illustrations conform to modern requirements of typography of books and editions. One more distinctive feature of the textbook is that each theoretical material is offered with interactive mode of exercise of different character. The model of correct answer of a task is given in exercise. The possibility of checking correct and wrong answers for tasks is provided in exercise. The choice of any targeted lesson is provided. Theoretical material can also be printed out. The electronic textbook installation is very simple, and has intuitive and clear graphic interface. The user interface is provided with system of help (prompts).


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Computer testing of KAZTEST system




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