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Miscellanea about KAZTEST system is designed
Miscellanea about KAZTEST system is designed
In accordance with the action plan for 2011-2015 during the realization of State program of education development in the Republic of Kazakhstan for           2011 – 2020 designed miscellanea about KAZTEST system – Kazakh language level assessment of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In miscellanea represented information about the system of Kazakh language level assessment of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan – KAZTEST.
Information data about the importance and function of KAZTEST system in learning Kazakh language and foundation history of the system, also current situation and ways of development of the system are represented.
The miscellanea with the content in three languages: Kazakh, Russian, English is going to be published in amount of 1000 issues.
The miscellanea will serve as a promotion of KAZTEST system. At the same time language learners can receive a full information about KAZTEST system.

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Computer testing of KAZTEST system




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