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The National testing center in joint with organization ETS Global conducted training on the theme «Design and Development of Language Assessments»
On June 20-24 of current year the Republican state budget-supported enterprise “The National testing center” with support of The President fund of developing the state language and Eurasian National University named after L. Gumilyov, in joint with organization ETS Global conducted training of D. Baum, an expert of ETS on theme “Design and Development of Language Assessments”
The training held in Astana city, in the laboratorial building of Eurasian National University named after L.Gumilyov.
The main objective of training is to enhance KAZTEST system - the Kazakh language level assessment, to teach Kazakh using international experience on language level assessment systems in the language learning process, to support in developing and increasing the competitive ability of state language.
The National testing center continues arrangements on developing KAZTEST system. The KAZTEST system is developing on base of international systems main principles. Supposing, English language knowledge assessment systems TOEFL, IELTS assesses the language learners level according to the ability of using language as means of communication. Certainly language level assessment realizes by the types of speech activities: listening comprehension skills, reading comprehension skills, writing skills and speaking using languge structure correctly. These are the types of speech activities: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The KAZTEST system also has an ability of assessing the language knowledge on elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate, upper-intermediate and advanced levels. The peculiarity of KAZTEST system distinguishing from international systems is teaching Kazakh by two trends: as a foreign language and as a second. Obviously, second trend is productive for this period of language policy.
The training revealed the main principles of designing test tasks of high quality. Each test task is researched and perceived as the means of forming and determining only the certain skills. Texts according to the levels and item types are discussed taking into account the examples in English, Spain assessing language level. Sentences structure with conjunctions differentiates language peculiarities in formation of tests tasks. For example, grammar items of the English language can not used in the grammar of the Kazakh language. That is the reason of classification test items into units referring to many years experience and leading methods. Author of the training gave such kind of examples about the main peculiarities.
In order to determine formation of lexis-grammar skills gives in the lexis-grammar part in the system of KAZTEST understanding of lexis-grammar to write.
Test makers and experts of system KAZTEST gave questions to the author of training and discussed. The main normative structures of the test specifications were discussed.
In the experiments of leading methods discussed main directions of formations assessment of level language.
Listeners successfully finishing the training were presented the with the certificates of Organization ETS Global Institute, confirming the designers qualification of language assessment facilities.
National Testing Center gratituded the ETS Global Institute organization, Eurasian University named after L. Gumilyov, The President fund of developing the state language  for their support in the organization of training.
In the aim of developing KAZTEST system on 23 of September of current year will be arranged a meeting between the Ministry of Education and science of Republic of Kazakhstan and ETS Global organization.

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